
We are no longer collecting data, and this website is for demo purposes only. You can read about the project here

It is our initiative at CUbiC Voice to build systems that will help you to be better understood.

Who are we?

We are researchers at Arizona State University working at the Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing (CUbiC). We are collaborating with the National Spasmodic Dysphonia Association.

What are we doing?

We are collecting a dataset of voice samples from individuals with voice disorders.

Why are we doing this?

We are fascinated by the ability of a voice to convey so much meaning, and we want to help individuals with voice disorders be better understood by both humans and machines. But in order to create voice systems, a large amount of voice data is necessary.

There are very few publicly available datasets of voice samples from individuals with voice disorders, and as such, voices that do not fit society's definition of 'normal' have not been included in the datasets used by large companies to build their speech recognition systems. This leads to a barrier to access of speech-based technologies for individuals with voice disorders.

We support the idea that in order to make the existing speech systems more inclusive of different voices, we need to make data that represents these voice disorders freely available. With this model, any researcher or developer who has an interest in working on projects that make voice recognition systems more inclusive will have access to this dataset of speech samples.

Through collecting speech samples from individuals with voice disorders, we hope to build systems that will help you be better understood.